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Is your period

Is your period "normal"?

Is your period "normal"?

23rd February 2015

We're all familiar with the common symptoms associated with premenstrual syndrome (PMS), which refers to the symptoms that begin during or after ovulation and end with the conclusion of the menstrual flow. They may include bloating, cramps, headaches, swelling, fluid retention, lower back pain, depression, abdominal pressure, insomnia, sugar cravings, anxiety, breast tenderness, mood swings, and acne. The symptoms can range from mild to severe, and vary greatly from woman to woman,

Many women accept these symptoms as an inescapable part of their monthly cycle and remain unaware that they can significantly relieve PMS by becoming proactive about their health.

Because of diet, lifestyle and excessive stress, PMS is more widespread in Western societies than in Asian and less developed countries. PMS is an indication of imbalance in the body, which can be psychological, nutritional, or hormonal and acts as "a wake-up call" signaling us to pay attention to these imbalances and fix them before they turn into a more serious condition.

It is relatively unknown that menstruation does not create pain and discomfort when a woman is healthy. However, we live in an environment full of synthetic chemicals, including herbicides and pesticides, which mimic estrogen once they get inside the body, enhancing the effects of natural estrogen and disturbing the hormonal balance. Further, an excess of estrogen in relation to progesterone causes problems of hormonal imbalance.


So What can we do?


Adopting a healthy diet is a vital for long-term improvement in PMS symptoms. To combat PMS, consume an anti-inflammatory whole foods diet that is rich in organic fruits, vegetables, grass-fed meats, healthy nuts, and seeds. These foods are full of essential vitamins and minerals that can go a long way in reducing symptoms.

Liver Detoxification

Supporting the livers ability to detoxify is paramount for hormonal regulation. Once our hormones have done their all important job of signalling they need to be deactivated and cleared from the body. If our liver is not up for the job hormones can continue to be recycled throughout the body leading to imbalances such as estrogen dominance. As these hormones are cleared via our waste -healthy gut function is also a important component.

Address Stress

The physiological causes of stress have a huge impact on our adrenal glands which ultimately can wreak havoc on our entire endocrine system. Identifying the degree of adrenal dysfunction and searching for the hidden underlying causes is almost always my first stop on the road to rebalancing hormones. Food sensitivities, sugar dysregulation, and gut pathogens can all create a chronic state of emergency which gives our adrenal glands absolute priority. Over time this allows other hormones to be depleted in order to fuel the adrenals stress response.

So why does it matter?

Because the same underlying causes that deplete your hormones are also depleting all your nutrient stores and creating inflammation in the body. This is the hallmark to all disease. If that's not scary enough this effect also leads to the stubborn creeping midsection weight gain that refuses to budge no matter what you eat.

So if this sounds a little all too familiar to you, a family member or friend, know that there is help that doesn't involve medication or Core Nourishment today!

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