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Have you ever thought about the way you breathe?

We really do take it for granted that every single breath is going to be there for us, time and time again. Every single in breath and every single out breath.

Our bodies are incredible things and we have really only just scraped the surface when it comes to understanding their function and what they are truly capable of.

But did you know that we can control our breathing and when we do, we can create positive change on our bodies and to our minds?

Because our breath gives us ENERGY.

We literally breathe life into ourselves with each and every breath.

And so if we can learn how to breathe in a conscious way, we can learn how to harness the breath, which controls our energy, and allows us to let go of what doesn’t serve us whilst energising and charging us.

There are many, many more benefits to doing Breathwork.

But put simply, breathwork is controlled, conscious breathing. There are many different types of conscious controlled breathing and you will hear different names for these types too. Some of the most popular include:

  • Shamanic breathwork
  • Holotrophic breathwork
  • Rebirthing
  • Psychedelic breathwork
  • Pranayama
  • Wimhof

There are also different ways to breathe:

  • In and out through the mouth
  • In and out through the nose
  • Boxed breathing
  • 4-7-8 breathing
  • Diaphragmatic (belly) breathing
  • Alternate nostril breathing
  • Breathing with breath holds

And so depending on the type of controlled conscious breathing you choose, depends on the outcome and the result you have.I will just say that in my opinion, all breathwork feels amazing. Even if you experience something really emotional in the process, you never leave feeling bad. I have always experienced feeling lighter, more relaxed, more connected to my body and spirit, more positive and like something that needed to shift has shifted.

But I will be honest with you…

Breathwork truly is WORK!

As mentioned above, you will leave a breathwork session feeling very different to when you entered.

Like when you go to the gym to work your muscles, going to a breathwork session works your lungs along with the muscles associated with respiration (like your diaphragm, the intercostal muscles as well as the accessory muscles found in our necks, chest, back, abdominal cavity and even our nose!).

So imagine if you’ve not been breathing fully and freely on a regular basis, using all of these muscles when you breathe, you may have some weakness in these areas and it could be quite challenging and fatiguing.

You will also feel very different after a breathwork session because you will have shifted the energy in your body.

So if you had an argument with someone the day before and you are still feeling unresolved by it. Or if you are still dealing with issues from your past, maybe from when you were a child, then it is likely that this energy is still residing in the tissues of your body.

So breathing in a conscious, controlled, rhythmic way can shift this energy.

What might that look like? Laughing, crying, screaming, humming, stillness, happiness, moving the body a lot or shaking/vibrating. Basically, any movement or sounds that your body can produce, may be produced during a breathwork session. You may even have a vision or an out of body experience. However, you may also experience none of this. You may simply experience a deep sleep, a dream-like state… Or you may just feel really really relaxed.

But you will leave feeling different to when you came and your experience will be exactly what you needed in that moment. That is for sure.

Some people say that what people can achieve in one Breathwork session is what people experience after a lifetime of meditation, that bliss state. It can be that powerful. They also say that it can be a way to “get high on our own supply.”No drugs needed, just the power of our own breath which switches on our own internal feel good chemicals.

Have you experienced any of the following?

  • stress
  • anxiety
  • depression
  • fatigue or tension
  • lack of focus
  • physical pain
  • highs and lows
  • insecurities
  • negative thought patterns
  • trauma
  • suppressed emotions
  • unfulfilled desires
  • a lack of love for yourself and others

If you said yes to one or more on that list (I’m going to assume that 100% of you said yes), then Breathwork is something that you can benefit from.


Because we have been taught to not express our emotions and suppress what we do feel. Because we teach our children not to throw tantrums or yell and that being quiet and well behaved is desired. Because we have all grown up in a conditioned society that places expectations and demands on us, in order to fit in and belong.

So when we feel something “undesirable” like anger or worry, we might push it down. When we want something, we might deny ourselves that thing or feel shame or guilt for wanting it. And when we don’t fit in, we might try to change ourselves so that people will like us more. We don’t love ourselves.

And these behaviours become so ingrained in us that we no longer know when we’re feeling these emotions because we are so used to suppressing them. We are so used to not asking for what we want or need, but rather accommodate and prioritise others. Adapting who we are for others is also far too common.

And when we live a lifetime like this, it can turn into a dis-ease in the body. So doing practices like Breathwork can help tremendously to release the stuck energy that is not serving us, that is not flowing freely through the body. It can help transform how we feel about ourselves and our lives. It can help us to accept and love ourselves for who we truly are.

Breathwork Options

1. Single Breathwork Session (1.5hr): $144.00 AUD

My offering is simple: I work with you 1:1 (Online, in the privacy of your own space.)

I facilitate transformational Breathwork sessions for you, catered to you, created for you.

Enquire Now     Book Now

2. Ho'oponopono inspired breathwork: $144.00 AUD

Opening the Door to Forgiveness

Your 4 week transformational journey starts here:

What you'll get:

  • Breathwork centred around the Ho'oponopono mantras
  • 4x 1hr Breathwork tracks
  • Instructional videos 
  • Additional educational videos
  • Brain rewiring Breathwork
  • Lifetime access
  • Support from Bianca

* 5 modules (one introductory module and 4 breathwork modules that each include a 1hr Breathwork practise):  

Module 1: The whats and the whys

Module 2: Breathwork for Repentance

Module 3: Breathwork for Forgiveness 

Module 4: Breathwork for Gratitude

Module 5: Breathwork for Love

* Each module will be drip fed to you each week and you will receive a reminder email when the content is ready to access.

* You'll have lifetime access so you can revisit the recordings whenever you need to move through a new stage of your life.

* You'll also have access to support from the Bianca should you desire it.

The benefits you'll experience:

  • Healing through energetic shifts: as you work your way through this program, you will release and let go of old wounds, trauma and conditioning. Energy that you've been struggling to move will shift with consistent practise and intention allowing you to step into a higher version of yourself, without those same old thoughts, feelings, actions and beliefs.
  • A deeper awareness and connection to self: while you may not remember what you were holding onto and what you shifted, you will develop a deeper connection to yourself through this 4 week journey.
  • Transformation: when you shift energy and release blockages, you naturally open up space to let the new come in. In this program, that will include new thoughts, feelings and beliefs. And just imagine what you could create with a completely new outlook on life!
  • Peace, love and gratitude: when you breathe, you naturally release. These releases create space. This space, when chosen, can be intentionally filled with peace, love, gratitude, joy and so much more. 
  • Freedom: free yourself over this 4 week period as you allow your breath to open you up from the inside out. When you set the intention to change and transform, you will find true freedom in all areas of your life.

So, if you love breathwork

If you are focused on the inner work

If you have things you want to let go of

If you want to feel more gratitude and love

If you are all about your transformation and growth...

Then this 4 week journey is for YOU!

Enquire Now     Book Now

3. Breathe to Become: $1111.00 AUD

My offering is simple:

I work with you 1:1.

(Online, in the privacy of your own space.)

I facilitate transformational Breathwork sessions for you.

I hold space for you to work through whatever it is that you've been holding onto, that you're ready to let go of.

We will set intentions and discuss whatever comes up.

This is a space for you to be and express as you need. There may be particular things you want to discuss but just know that you’re not working with me to follow a plan.

This is not a set program with things you must do week by week.

In our work together, and it will be work, we are going to flow, with as much ease as possible, in the exact directions that the Divine, Source, Buddha, God (whatever language you prefer), will open up for us.

To open up and let go. To become someone. To create something new.

(These are but some of the side effects of transformational Breathwork.)

We will likely discuss how the mind is controlling the way you think, feel, the beliefs you hold and ultimately the things you do and the manifestations you create in your life.

The changes may feel really simple to understand and implement or they may feel monumental, it depends on where you are at.

Regardless, they will impact you. They will transform you from within, rewiring your brain. You will begin to gain a greater awareness of who you are and how you are being. What you are thinking, feeling, believing and doing.

You will deepen your connection to self, to your body.

You will feel more at peace.

You will gain strategies to help you feel grounded and centred.

Over time, you will become a new version of yourself, that person you want to be.

  • You will feel more confident, more connected to your body, more intuitive.
  • Your chakras will become aligned and your energy body will grow in strength.
  • Your language will transform. You will adopt habits that serve this new version of you.
  • You will have more clarity about what you want and who you want to be.
  • You will trust and believe in yourself more.
  • You will feel more love and gratitude.
  • You will manifest greatness, taking aligned action towards the things you want to create. Your dreams will start to become your reality.
Sounds amazing, right!

This is the power of Breathwork which I believe to be one of the fundamental gateways to transformation.

Combined with shifting the mindset, practising how to receive as well as gratitude, I believe you can accomplish anything you desire.

Other practices will be on offer also, should you choose to adopt them (meditation, visualisation, tremoring and more).

I will support you through these as you journey towards becoming the most incredible, most enlightened version of yourself.

Some quick details about the package:

Total number of sessions: 8

Duration of each session: 1.5-2 hrs

Frequency of session: Every week

Cost: $1111 AUD paid in full

Payment plan option: 2 monthly payments of $555.50 AUD (Please contact us to arrange a payment plan)

You will have access to Bianca via Voxer

Enquire Now     Book Now

4. Who do you want to be?: $1999.00 AUD

My offering is simple:

I work with you 1:1.

(Online, in the privacy of your own space.)

I facilitate transformational Breathwork sessions for you.

I hold space for you to work through whatever it is that you've been holding onto, that you're ready to let go of.

We discuss what is causing you to feel stressed or overwhelmed in your life.

Areas of most resistance.

Areas where you're feeling blocked.

We discuss how the mind is controlling the way you think, feel, the beliefs you hold and ultimately the things you do and the manifestations you create in your life. 

The changes may feel really simple to understand and implement or they may feel monumental, it depends on where you are at.

Regardless, they will impact you. They will transform you from within, rewiring your brain.

You will begin to gain a greater awareness of who you are and how you are being.

What you are thinking, feeling, believing and doing.

You will deepen your connection to self. 

You will feel more at peace.

You will gain strategies to help you feel grounded and centred.

Over time, you will become a new version of yourself, that person you want to be. 

  • You will feel more confident, more connected to your body, more intuitive.
  • Your chakras will become aligned and your energy body will grow in strength. 
  • Your language will transform.
  • You will adopt habits that serve this new version of you.
  • You will have more clarity about what you want and who you want to be.
  • You will trust and believe in yourself more.
  • You will feel more love and gratitude.
  • You will manifest greatness, taking aligned action towards the things you want to create. Your dreams will start to become your reality.
Sounds amazing, right! 

This is the power of Breathwork which I believe to be one of the fundamental gateways to transformation.

Combined with shifting the mindset, practising how to receive as well as gratitude,

I believe you can accomplish anything you desire.

Other practices will be on offer also, should you choose to adopt them (meditation, visualisation, tremoring and more) that I will support you through as you journey towards becoming the most incredible, most enlightened version of yourself.

This Package is catered to you, centred around you.

We will discuss your goals and I will be there to hold the space for your growth and transformation.

You will have peace of mind, plenty of privacy and lots of attention.

This package is designed to be completed within 8 weeks. We will meet every week for a total of 8 sessions.

The Breathwork itself is a 1hr session but allow 2 hours for additional discussion.

What you'll get:

  • 1hr weekly private Breathwork session online (x8)
  • Meaningful strategies to move through challenging thought and belief patterns
  • Pre-recorded daily practices to support and encourage you
  • 8 weeks of support and access to mentor and facilitator via Voxer
  • A new you!

Some quick details about the package:

Total number of sessions: 8

Duration of each session: 1.5-2 hrs

Frequency of session: Every week

Cost: $1999 AUD paid in full

Payment plan option: 4 monthly payments of $500 AUD (Please contact us to arrange a payment plan)

You will have access to Bianca via Voxer

Enquire Now     Book Now

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